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Caleb Reyes
Caleb Reyes

Skills In Gestalt Counselling Psychotherapy ^NEW^

Skills in Gestalt Counselling & Psychotherapy is a practical introduction to the different techniques used at each stage of the counselling process. The book takes the reader through the process from beginning to termination and focuses on skills which arise out of Gestalt theory as well as those invoked by the counselling relationship.

Skills in Gestalt Counselling Psychotherapy

The authors also examine the spiritual dimension of counselling and offer guidance on some of the special considerations affecting counsellors such as the context in which they are working, the duration of the relationship, and particular problems with which clients present. For all those training in Gestalt or who wish to sharpen their skills as practitioners, this will be essential reading.

Knez R, Gudelj L, Sveško-Visentin H. Scientific letter: gestalt psychotherapy in the outpatient treatment of borderline personality disorder: A case report. Afr J Psych. 2013;16(1):52-53. doi:10.4314/ajpsy.v16i1.9

"This excellent skill-based resource to using the gestalt approach to counselling provides exactly what the practitioner and student need to know in an easy-to-navigate format. Filled with practical case examples, this comprehensive and highly readable book reveals the power of the gestalt approach in action. I know I will return to it again and again." - Teresa Lewis, Founder and Director of Lewis Psychology CIC

Charlotte Sills MA, MSc (Psychotherapy) is a UKCP registered psychotherapist in private practice and a supervisor, trainer and consultant in a variety of settings. She is a BACP senior accredited supervisor, a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst and a Visiting Professor at Middlesex University. Charlotte has been working in the field of psychological therapies since 1979, at first as counsellor then manager of Hounslow SSD's Bereavement Project, then qualifying in psychotherapy in 1986. She has worked as tutor and supervisor on a range of training courses nationally and internationally. She was also, until 2007, part of the Leadership Team at Metanoia Institute, London, where she remains a member of the faculty. Another interest is in the interface between therapy and coaching and she works at Ashridge Business School, Herts where she is part of the tutor team of the Masters in Executive Coaching. Charlotte believes that all human systems - from friendships to organisations - are about people in relationship, and she sees Gestalt as an ideal approach for facilitating effective, vibrant and satisfying relationships. Charlotte has published widely in the field of counselling and psychotherapy, including An Introduction to Gestalt with Phil Lapworth and Billy Desmond (Sage 2012) and Contracts in Counselling and Psychotherapy (2 nd edition 2006 Sage) and Coaching Relationships (edited with Erik de Haan 2012 Libri Press).

This practical guide to the gestalt approach has successfully introduced thousands of trainee therapists to the essential skills needed in gestalt practice. The authors offer practical guidance on the entire process of therapy including setting up the therapeutic session, creating a working alliance, assessment and treatment direction, managing risk, supervision, adopting a research approach, and managing difficult encounters. The new Fourth Edition has been updated to include: Some implications of working in the twenty-first century, including working virtually Updated content on trauma An enhanced discussion of mindfulness and awareness New case examples and exercises Updated references and further reading.

Charlotte Sills, MA, MSc, teaching and supervising transactional analyst, is a psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice, a senior tutor at Metanoia Institute, and visiting professor at Middlesex University. She has published widely in the field of counselling and psychotherapy including, with Helena Hargaden, Transactional Analysis: A Relational Perspective, and An Introduction to Transactional Analysis with Phil Lapworth.

I address this book to counsellors and psychotherapists and trainee counsellors or psychotherapists of all orientations, and especially to those of you who are or wish to become Gestalt counsellors and psychotherapists; or who wish to integrate Gestalt into your current practice. The book is primarily designed for those who already have knowledge both of counselling and of Gestalt. However I have provided an optional section of this introduction on theoretical background (p. 14ff.) and I suggest that if you do not have any previous knowledge of Gestalt counselling and psychotherapy you might find it helpful to read this before the main body of ...

After the course, you could work as a gestalt counsellor in areas such as education, the police service, the prison service or the voluntary sector. The advanced skills and experience you gain will allow you to work with a wider variety of clients with more complex needs.

Gestalt holds a central position in this course and as an evolving, exciting and universally applicable theory it supports the use of counselling skills. It is well respected and has influenced and enriched many other therapeutic, educational and managerial approaches to supporting people.

We place high value on the transparency and supervision of all our Gestalt courses and the following bodies critically evaluate and guide us to deliver the very best in counselling and psychotherapy training.

The theme Integration brings together different theoretical perspectives in the counselling/psychotherapy field. The process of increasing and integrating counselling skills and self-awareness is further developed by the contributions from different theoretical perspectives. 041b061a72


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